The 2018 Michigan Celebrate Your Marriage Conferences have helped couples all around the state to strengthen their marriage and resolve arising conflicts. Let’s face it. Marriage can be hard because there are a lot of factors that can affect your relationship.
Alcohol addiction is one of the leading causes of divorce around the world. It can invade the lives of married couples, possibly causing arguments, making your spouse violent, and leading to abuse. When you marry someone, you develop a life-long bond with them, but what can happen if your relationship is tested by alcohol addiction?

It Will Be Harder To Trust Each Other
When a married couple drinks alcohol excessively, it can lead to frequent lying. One or both spouses make up excuses to hide their habits and avoid confrontation. It often doesn’t stop at one lie, which can cause suspicions and make it hard to continue trusting your partner. If left unresolved, alcohol can lead to a marriage full of deceit.
Alcohol Hinders Open Communication
Communication plays a vital role in marriage. Alcohol abuse can take a massive toll on a couple’s dynamic because it affects how you interact. When you refuse to communicate and hear what your spouse has to say, conflicts and misunderstandings may arise.
In severe cases, communicating can be tense, violent, and even non-existent once alcohol addiction has ruined your relationship.
Adverse Effect On Emotional And Sexual Intimacy
Alcohol addiction can also have adverse effects on your intimacy and care for one another. Remember, a healthy sexual relationship is also a factor in keeping your marriage secure.
Heavy drinkers are prone to struggle in this area, as alcohol can affect one’s ability to perform. Alcohol is a depressant, and excessive drinking can decrease sexual activity. It can also change the desire and motivation if your spouse has uncontrollable drinking habits.

Alcohol addiction is a serious matter. You have the power to stop this from happening. If you’re experiencing this, you can always talk to somebody and reach out to specialists to save your marriage.