Take Together, Stay Together


From seeing an online therapist to walking out the door, couples do all sorts when they have problems within their relationship. All couples argue and even when it’s a one-off, it can turn into something far more serious. It’s a natural part of life but sometimes it causes couples to walk away from one another. You wouldn’t think trivial things would make two people split up and yet it happens each and every day. So, how can a couple stay together even when they have problems at home?

You have a right to ask for the things you need (emphasis added) in a relationship. — Catherine Aponte Psy.D.

Fights Will Happen

First and foremost, you must understand that while you are a couple and love each other, there will be times when you disagree and dislike one another. Fighting, shouting, screaming and arguing are all a part of married life. It’s natural to do all those things but it does also show your passion and how much you care about them. If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t argue. However, while it’s common to argue, it’s also very important to understand you need to work to overcome them. You cannot avoid an argument because they will happen sooner or later but you need to find a way to forgive and move on. Sometimes, seeking the help of an online therapist can make all the difference.

Staying in indecision—regardless of what the indecision is about—is draining. But leaving is hard. — Susan Pease Gadoua L.C.S.W.

You Must Work Together To Overcome Differences

As said above, you need to find a way to overcome your differences so that you can move on and essentially stay together. There is no point in staying together if you are constantly arguing and bringing up the same points as always as it’s going to frustrate both parties. You cannot argue on a Monday about money, forgive what the other person says and then throw it back in their face the following week. That is a waste of time and you’re going to be left unhappy too which is why you have to find a way to work together to overcome your differences. You need to find out how to control anger if you get angry and work through the issues you’ve been having. There is no point in staying together if you cannot overcome your differences.…

Married For Life

Couples really don’t like the idea of looking into free online counseling. It’s not hard to see why. When you and your partner have a problem you honestly don’t consider seeing a therapist or counselor. For most couples, they are willing to bury their heads in the sand in hopes of avoiding the crux of the problem which isn’t always ideal. Being married for life can be a wonderful thing and even though no marriage is perfect, it’s possible to overcome those little issues.

Every relationship has highs and lows, but when you are continually questioning the relationship, these ups and downs are more profound. — Susan Pease Gadoua L.C.S.W.

How to Have a Healthy and Happy Marriage


You may or may not be familiar or comfortable with a therapeutic relationship and are not convinced it can really help at this point. — Karen Kleiman MSW, LCSW

Will online therapy really solve relationship hardship? In today’s fast-moving, fast-paced world, there are no perfect couples. You see people fall out and move on all the time and it’s sad how so many don’t find their perfect match. For some, they have found it but have let it slip away all because they couldn’t find a way to overcome their disagreements. However, is there really any way to have a healthy and happy marriage? Well, yes, there are a few ways. Not convinced? Why don’t you read on and find a few ways that might just help you?…

How To Heal A Marriage After Infidelity


There are many challenges that couples face in their marriage, infidelity being one of the most devastating. When your spouse cheats on you, you would feel angry, betrayed, hurt, and in despair. The broken trust is very difficult to restore and the damage that you feel will seem irreparable. But if your husband has ended the affair and is committed to saving your marriage, he must also be willing to initiate the first step of reconciliation by being remorseful and honest about his infidelity and should be ready to tell you everything. Studies suggest that more marriages are saved when the unfaithful partner opens up about the affair.

If your relationship has hit a rocky patch, confronting the issues now could transform your marriage — and save it from destruction in the future. — April Eldemire LMFT

As for the aggrieved – you – your marriage can only be saved if you also agree to try and fix things with you and your husband. Forgiving takes time, as does the healing. You will go through a process that may have several roadblocks along the way, but if you are both in it to save it, your marriage has a chance.…